
Everything we do is centered on your financial well being.

Lately there has been a lot of talk about fiduciaries. Yes we are fiduciaries-meaning we put the interests of our clients first. But isn't that a given? We thought so, but maybe not. We continue to do what we've always done. You won't find production requirements, or proprietary products here. We are brokers in the truest sense of that word. We offer hundreds of financial products from as many companies, our insurance solution providers are all A rated (or better), and we continue to be very transparent in regard to fees and expenses.

There's never a charge to talk to us. You should schedule a no cost no obligation conversation soon!


Retirement Planning

Planning for retirement can be as simple as reaching an age where your social security check and your pension when added together exceed your monthly living expenses. But sadly most of us no longer have a pension. Several of us aren't even exactly sure what our monthly living expenses are. We can help. We typically discuss the following with our clients:

  • Potential income shortfall

  • Social security optimization

  • Healthcare considerations in retirement

  • Various strategies for making your retirement income more tax efficient

Investment Planning

Individual stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, UITs, REITs, annuities and or bonds, which do you prefer? What do you own now? Do you know why you own it? Are you comfortable with what it's costing you? We offer the following:

  • Risk analysis

  • Cost analysis

  • Performance analysis

  • Portfolio stress testing

Insurance Planning

We have a friend who refers to insurance as financial clay, due to the number of problems it can solve, and its flexibility. If you are a fan of leverage, tax deferred growth, and potentially tax-free income there is quite possibly an insurance solution that may appeal to you. We offer:

  • The new life insurance (you should ask)

  • Long term care insurance

  • Asset backed insurance lending

  • Medicare supplements

Business Planning

Planning for closely held and smaller businesses often require a different approach than it would for a Fortune 500 behemoth. We work with a lot of small business owners and mom and pop shops and are well versed in the following:

  • Buy/Sell Agreements

  • Executive Bonus Plans

  • Key Man Insurance

  • 401Ks/SEPs/SIMPLEs and L.I.R.P.s